Monday, May 7, 2012

Turtle Patrol

Yes, I know, I am horrible at coming up with titles.  On the blog, on my photographs, on everything.

Another turtle patrol today.  It started with a massive horsefly attack, progressed to a walk through an extremely stinky section of beach near Bob Hall Pier, and then settled down to a standard patrol.  There were a number of vehicles on the beach involved in picking up and emptying trash cans.  Here is one of them, from the City of Corpus Christi.
 There is never a shortage of birds to be seen during the patrols, here I'm passing mile marker 250 with a Great Blue Heron while a gull makes a fly-by.
 This truck is emptying trash cans.
 Behind the truck is a UTV from the National Seashore, involved in a Turtle Patrol North.

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