Yesterday, I received a tweet from someone, about reblogging each other. I was curious when I read it, because I have been wondering about ways to extend the reach of the blog a little bit. However, I didn't understand why they would be contacting me; because to be honest, this little thing of mine has almost no viewers. Why would someone think that it would be a good deal for them?
Anyway, I followed their link, and it involved sharing a video. I watched the video, of course, to ensure that it wasn't something that I had issues with. I was quite surprised at how interesting it was. It gives a tour of one of their ( sheet and web offset printing facilities in Asia. It covers their three eight color web offset machines, printing, drying, binding and more. I used to work for Champion International paper, and watching the machinery brought back some memories.
The production quality of the video is pretty low, which I find funny considering how massive and expensive the machinery they are displaying is; however, that actually kind of adds to the experience for me. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have a link to part two at the end of the video, or in their YouTube page description since I would have liked to see a comparison of web and sheet fed presses, price differences, and things like that.
Anyway, it was an interesting viewing experience. Large machinery fascinates me, and I have a soft spot for printing. If you have any printing needs - for example, catalogs, textbooks, magazines, brochures, etc., you should find them useful. They have printing plants located in the US (in LA, NJ, and TX), Europe (Lyon, Barcelona, Milan, and Rome), and Asia (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Seould, Tokyo, and Beijing).
Here's the video: