Friday, January 8, 2016

Not-So-Great moments in my computing history.

January, 1981. My first full-fledged computer game programming effort comes to a successful fruition. I had, of course, "programmed" games before that; however, they were either laboriously entered from magazines like COMPUTE!, ANTIC, or A.N.A.L.O.G. or they were simple things done up in the vein of that type of program (not to imply that the magazine programs were simple, just that my efforts were.).

January saw me complete a program that I was quite proud of. It was in Atari 8K BASIC, but it incorporated machine language routines loaded dynamically into Page 6 as needed, display list interrupts, Player Missile graphics (known as "sprites" on other systems), original graphics, "music" and sound effects.

I no longer have the program, so I can't give any screen shots or anything, but it was basically a variation of Space Invaders. The name of this awesome first programming effort?

Save Your Sister From the Alien Sperm!

I am simultaneously proud and shamed.

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