Saturday, August 10, 2013

We must stop these crazed half naked psychopaths from feeding their children in front of other people! | The Matt Walsh Blog

This is awesome, I agree wholeheartedly!

We must stop these crazed half naked psychopaths from feeding their children in front of other people! | The Matt Walsh Blog
A snippet:

2) I’ve encountered breastfeeding moms in public. Not once — NOT ONCE — have they ever ripped their shirt off and run through a crowd screaming: “Look at me! Look at this! I’m breastfeeding!!!” I’ve never seen that happen. I’m willing to bet I’ve never seen it because it’s literally never occurred in the history of the universe. I’ve also never had a young mother pull out a gun and yell: “You will watch me breastfeed or I’ll blow your brains out! WATCH OR DIE!” In other words, I’ve never been “forced” to “watch” a woman breastfeed. The way these prudes talk about it, you’d think they were being compelled to observe against their will. Personally, when I come across a woman breastfeeding, I think, “Oh OK, a mother is feeding her kid. Cool, anyway now I’ll get back to carrying on with my own existence.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

9 habits that may do more harm than good | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Hmmm - there is some interesting information in this article.
9 habits that may do more harm than good | MNN - Mother Nature Network