Thursday, February 26, 2015

Two new Atheist tee shirt designs are up in the shop.

I've added two new tees to the shop.  They are a variation of an earlier shirt with modified text that should be easier for some people to read.

One version includes the Atheist Symbol and the other includes the Invisible Pink Unicorn symbol.

This shirt is available for $15.99 and can be found at
This shirt is also available for $15.99 and can be found at

Google Wants To Help You Buy Solar Panels For Your House. Seriously. | ThinkProgress

Google Wants To Help You Buy Solar Panels For Your House. Seriously. | ThinkProgress

"Google Wants To Help You Buy Solar Panels For Your House. Seriously." Google and SolarCity pay to maintain the panels because they own them. In 2011, Google made its first foray into the residential solar market with a $280 million investment in a fund with SolarCity. “We’re happy to support SolarCity’s mission to help families reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs,” Sidd Mundra, Renewable Energy Principal at Google, said in a statement.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Atari related items on sale at The Wits End

Just wanted to let everyone know that my shop is having a sale on all Atari related items from midnight (I'm in the Central timezone, GMT -6) tonight through the end of Friday. This includes shirts related to the Atari 8-bits, Atari ST/TT/Falcon, programming, Zork, MOS 6502, etc. The tees will be $11.99 each (there's also a buy 3, get one free option). Coupon codes also still apply. You might give FUJINUTS a try for 20% off.