Saturday, May 18, 2019

Christians are whining about all the pro-choice posts

I've not really brought religion into this whole anti-abortion legislation commentary, although it needs to be brought up, since it is the conservative Christians that are trying to force their strictures onto the American people as a whole.

You can keep quoting chapter and verse from your book of near-infinite contradictions written by bronze age goatherds if that is your wont. That is your prerogative, and no one is trying to stop you. However, you do not get to decide how other American citizens run their life or make their decisions. Take some time and learn how things actually work. A zygote is not a human being.

Listen, your holy book has a significant proportion of its adherents believing that the Earth is flat, and that somehow the belief that it is a globe is a conspiracy by organizations like NASA, when globes have been in existence for centuries.

Your holy book has a significant proportion of it's adherents believing that the Earth is 6,000-10,000 years old. That is as large of an error as telling people that the distance across the United States is 17 feet.  Not even 6 yards across the entire contiguous United States.

Believe what you want, when you want, but do not attempt to force your beliefs on other people that know better.